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Spring Boot for Beginners [2022]
Software Installation
Install Oracle JDK 16 on Windows 10 (6:21)
Install and Set up STS for Windows 10 (9:23)
Install and Set Up Lombok in STS (10:54)
Spring Boot Fundamentals
1. What is Spring Boot ? (5:57)
2. Spring Boot Key Features (12:06)
3. Different Ways to Create Spring Boot Application (4:28)
4. Creating Spring Boot App using Spring Initializr (10:22)
5. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration - Theory (7:56)
6. Spring Boot Auto-configuration - Practical (13:52)
7. Spring Boot App Execution Process - Theory (6:55)
8. Spring Boot App Execution Process - practical (7:38)
9. Types of Spring Boot Applications - Let's Debug and Understand (12:27)
10. @SpringBootApplication Annotation (13:26)
11. Spring Boot Starters - Very Important Feature (10:44)
12. Spring Boot Starter Parent (5:43)
1. REST Introduction and REST Architecture (9:57)
2. REST Key Concepts - Resource, URI and Sub-resource (7:16)
3. REST Key Concepts - Http Methods (5:49)
4. REST Key Concepts - HTTP Status Codes (10:40)
5. REST API Design Best Practices (10:34)
Class Notes: REST Basics and Key Concepts
Spring Boot REST API Development Basics
1. Create Spring Boot Application in STS (15:08)
2. Create Simple Spring Boot REST API (7:53)
3. Spring Boot REST API returns Java Bean (9:07)
4. Create Spring Boot REST API returns List (4:55)
5. Spring Boot REST API with Path Variable - @PathVariable (10:49)
6. Spring Boot REST API with Request Param - @RequestParam (9:53)
7. Embedded Servers - Tomcat, Jetty and Undertow (13:01)
8. Running Spring Boot Apps from the Command Line (8:25)
9. Deploy Step by Step Spring Boot WAR File to External Tomcat Server (12:19)
10. Spring Boot Dev Tools (8:06)
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Spring Boot CRUD REST API with MySQL Database - Employee Management System
1. Spring Boot CRUD REST API Overview (6:37)
2. Spring Boot Project Architecture (3:28)
3. Create Spring Boot Project in STS (8:18)
4. Create Packaging Structure (1:21)
5. Configure MySQL Database (8:39)
6. Create JPA Employee Entity and Repository (8:45)
7. Create Custom Exception (4:09)
8. Build Create Employee REST API (13:18)
9. Build Get All Employees REST API (5:26)
10. Build Get Employee By ID REST API (12:10)
11. Build Update Employee REST API (12:36)
12. Build Delete Employee REST API (8:17)
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Thymeleaf Crash Course
1. Thymeleaf Overview (7:24)
2. Thymeleaf Variable Expressions (3:06)
3. Thymeleaf Selection expressions (2:16)
4. Thymeleaf Message expressions (1:43)
5. Thymeleaf Link (URL) expressions (1:58)
6. Thymeleaf Fragment expressions (2:21)
7. Thymeleaf Basic Attributes (5:43)
8. Spring Boot Thymeleaf Hello World App (6:50)
9. Adding CSS and JS File to Thymeleaf (8:13)
11. Conditionals in Thymeleaf - if, unless and switch case attributes (9:19)
12. Thymeleaf Loop or Iteration - th:each Attribute (6:07)
Spring Boot Thymeleaf CRUD Database Project - Student Management System
1. Spring Boot Thymeleaf CRUD Database Project Overview (2:43)
2. Spring Boot MVC Project Architecture (1:52)
3. Create Spring Boot Project and Configure MySQL (10:22)
4. Create Student JPA Entity and Repository (9:55)
5. Implement List Students Feature (22:33)
6. Implement Add Student Feature (20:15)
7. Implement Update Student Feature (13:21)
8. Implement Delete Student Feature (4:40)
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7. Spring Boot App Execution Process - Theory
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