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ReactJS + Spring Boot CRUD Full Stack Application
Course Overview
1 - Project Overview (5:25)
2 - Project Architecture and Development Process (7:12)
Bootstrapping Spring Boot Project
3 - Create Spring Boot Project (6:18)
4 - Creating JPA Entity + Repository (5:34)
List Employees Feature Implementation
5 - Creating List Employee REST API (8:17)
6 - Creating React App (10:49)
7 - Add Bootstrap 4 in React App (4:34)
8 - Creating React List Employee Component (10:33)
9 - Connecting React with List Employee RESTAPI (8:42)
10 - Creating React Header and Footer Components (4:34)
11 - Configure Routing (8:19)
Add Employee Feature Implementation
12 - Creating Add Employee REST API (4:14)
13 - Creating React Add Employee Component (8:15)
14 - React Add Employee Form Handling (15:15)
15 - Connecting React with Add Employee REST API (5:07)
Update Employee Feature Implementation
16 - Creating Get Employee By Id REST API (6:25)
17 - Creating Update Employee REST API (7:24)
18 - Creating React Update Employee Component (17:28)
19 - Connecting React with Update Employee REST API (5:56)
20 - Add & Update Employee with Single React Component (17:39)
Delete Employee Feature Implementation
21 - Creating Delete Employee REST API (6:28)
22 - Connecting React with Delete Employee REST API (6:46)
View Employee Details Feature Implementation
23 - Creating React View Employee Component (10:03)
24 - Design and Show Data on View Employee Page (8:59)
Demo and Source Code on GitHub
25 - It's Demo Time and Source Code on GitHub (4:29)
Source Code on GitHub
21 - Creating Delete Employee REST API
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